Documentation of the Situation at Fort Sill's PTRP
Abuse is Rampant at Fort Sill, Oklahoma
The Abuse at Fort Sill Oklahoma Escalates
Coverup of Abuse Begins at Fort Sill, Oklahoma
Another Method to Silence Abused Injured Soldiers
Cadre at Fort Sill Thinks Abuse is Funny
Abusive Drill Sergeant Removed at Fort Sill
Injured Soldier PFC Mathew Scarano Dies in Fort Sill’s PTRP
Additional link by a PTRP family member
Additional link by a PTRP soldier
For the current postings, go here
The following are excerpts from the Army Regulations document TR 350-6. The entire 179 page document is available here

This is a copy of my initial correspondence with the Training Liaison’s office in August of 2005 regarding my concerns about my son’s injury:
From: Patricia deVarennes
To: michael.lisowski
Date: Aug 21, 2005 10:43 PM
Subject: Pvt [deleted] -- please read
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Dear Sir:
I spoke with my son, Pvt. [deleted] (C 1/40 FA, 3rd Plt,
Reapers) tonight and am very concerned about something he related to
me. Apparently his feet are so swollen that he can barely get them
into his boots with said boots unlaced. He has had x-rays of both his
feet and knees (he was having problems with his knees as well) which
have come up negative. The physician apparently asked to see both
feet for comparison, but with both swollen, also apparently decided it
wasn't a problem.
Perhaps the knee problem will resolve on its own (let's hope), but
I'm sure that most people with experience in athletics would realize
that extreme and long term foot swelling of this kind is indicative of
a real problem.
I'm not a doctor, but my elder son (also in the Army, currently in
Iraq at Taji) had trouble with shin splints that were resolved with
treatment and haven't troubled him since. It's possible that [my son]
(with his size 13-14 feet) may be suffering from a comparable
condition in his feet.
Your own Boden BP, Osbahr DC at the Uniformed Services University
of the Health Sciences, The Orthopaedic Center, Rockville, MD says:
"Stress fractures are common overuse injuries seen in athletes and
military recruits. The pathogenesis is multifactorial and usually
involves repetitive submaximal stresses...The classic presentation is
a patient who experiences the insidious onset of pain after an abrupt
increase in the duration or intensity of exercise. The diagnosis is
primarily clinical, but imaging modalities such as plain radiography,
scintigraphy, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging may
provide confirmation. Most stress fractures are uncomplicated and can
be managed by rest and restriction from the precipitating activity."
[my son] told me that he really wants to complete his training and
is very frustrated with this situation. He used to walk for miles
without any difficulty, and no doubt could still do so if his feet
weren't swollen and painful. He isn't allowed to have so much as an
asprin or ice to relieve this condition.
I would appreciate any assistance in this matter. I believe that
the Army would like for [my son] to be successful, but he needs help to
overcome this challenge.
Patricia deVarennes ([my son]'s mother)
Phone #
Some 7 months after my initial inquiry about my son's injury, this is the official response from Connie Mack’s office after receiving the Adjutant General’s official response (both letters are below):

There are clear and specific processes for dealing with abuse allegations. Note the requirement for preliminary inquiries into ALL abuse allegations...When the chain of command proved indifferent to the injured soldiers suffering, the Inspector General's office became involved:

The TR 350-6 is quite specific concerning the location of medical records when someone is entered into the where are my son's medical records? Who else's medical records are missing and why?

My request to Senator John McCain and the response from his office (how many ways
can people find to say they don’t give a damn? More than you can imagine…and this is just one of them.) Here's what I wrote to the estimable John McCain, at the height of the injured soldiers' abuse situation, and below that is his entirely inadequate response:

Other primary sources:
(The first written communication I received from a Fort Sill PTRP member--Patdev):
From: Clayton Howell Mailed-By:
Date: Feb 16, 2006 3:44 PM
Subject: Hello
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I am also a member of FTU/PTRP My name is PVT Clayton Howell. I know of all
the situations and am doing my best to work on it. I have compiled a list of
complaints and sent them to various sourses to include your post on blogger.
The only name I am using is my own. I intend to send you a full list of the
complaints once I have completed them for now here is my parcial list.
Any thing you wish to talk about I would be glad to share information or
listen to any information you might have. I have limited internet acess
during the day when I am at "class"(I once attended school during our lunch
time, but recently they have forced me to not go to class.
A Compilation of Complaints from Bravo Battery 95th
Below is a compilation of complaints from soldiers at Bravo Battery 95th to include PTRP, PCU, and FTU. All complaints were collected by me and typed and edited for language, rhetoric, grammar and spelling to the best of my abilities. To the best of my abilities I believe that I did not alter the meaning of or the context of any of the complaints given to me. I will make additions, alteration, and exclusions form this list as misinterpretations, new material, complaints, or grammatical errors are brought to my attention. As of now the soldiers’ names will be left anonymous unless they ask to have their names included or it is required by a recipient of this paper.
All of the material following are valid and original complaints relayed to the author of this paper:
I enjoyed my 6 month stint in a state correctional facility before I was pardon for my crimes, much more than being here for the past year. I have been confined here for a year and have yet to commit any crime. I wanted to serve the United States by being a member of the armed forces. I wanted to do nothing more than to fight for and to promote freedom. All I have done here is what I have been told to do. And for that I have been robbed of my dignity, freedom, and many basic human rights many people take for granite. Companionship and the continuing meaningful relationship with others (wife/kids/families in too many soldiers’ cases) is not possible here. We are allotted 20min to 1 hour to use the phone in the evening sometimes. Over 200 people to use 24 phones to talk to wives, children, loved ones, family, and friends. For no reason at all we are not allowed to possess cell phones, laptops, or any other kind of communication device. So a few minutes every few days is all we have to maintain relationships outside the building we live in. Death, back to prison, or death in prison would be more preferable than this. I have seen homeless men with more of a life, more purpose, and more motivation than me. I feel as if I no longer have a soul.
Duty hours are from 0400 until 1800 (4:00am until 6:00pm) with an hour for personal time. Unless our drill sergeants want to hang around and bitch at us or complain about how we do not have motivation or aren’t good enough to be in the army.
Being in formation outside in all weather conditions for 20-45 min sometimes well over an hour. Not able to wear a hat that covers our ears or gloves to cover our hands. Seeing permanent party wear scarves and thick non issue gloves, that we aren’t authorized to wear. If we wear our winter cap we are not authorized to wear our ear flaps down. If we have to wait for over 15 or 30 min in degraded weather conditions while the first sergeant and drill sergeants stand inside watching us and talking to each other; why cant they come out and be information with us or at least let us leave early.
We are sometimes punished by having our phone/personal time taken away for “mandatory entertainment.” For example:
4th of July there was a southern rock concert held in the chapel.
Super bowl Sunday we were stuck in a room to enjoy it.
The reenactment of historical baseball at Fort Sill.
Christian concerts, ceremonies, and rituals regardless of faith.
And various other activities around Lawton/OKC.
All of these events were made mandatory that we had to attend instead of calling family, writing letters, or reading books (for those who are lucky enough to have them). On most occasions we are told they are “optional” then only 2 or 3 people will volunteer to have their private time taken away. When they don’t have enough “volunteers” or they can’t find anybody who wants to come and watch the others who are left behind they make them “mandatory” for all. The main reason we are conscripted for these “entertainment events” is to make our unit, the base, or the army look good. Because nobody in their right mind would want to go to them.
On Christmas we were forced to buy a $75 ticket to get off base. The same bus ticket would cost $20 or a taxi ride would cost $50 or $25 if you found another soldier to ride with you. We asked why we had to buy a bus ticket from only this company who was on base and why we could not take a cab we were told that we aren’t being authorized to leave any other way and we would have to stay on Fort Sill over Christmas exodus if we did not by this exuberantly priced ticket.
In bravo battery there are many people who have finished basic and AIT but forced to live in a basic training style barracks and being governed by drill sergeants. We are being told that if we complain to any of our superiors or talk to our congressmen that they will “step on us like a bug” “be destroyed” or “crush our nuts.” We live in constant fear of retaliation for something we do or something somebody else does because they don’t punish just one person they take it out on everybody. Our treatment is very poor, prisoners and detainees get treated better than us. They lecture us on our personal time when we spend literally all day doing absolutely nothing. Being stuck in an over glorified closet with no windows or ventilation all day(in the battalion). Not having furniture in the room we live in other than the beds, which we aren’t allowed to sit on. Being told in an “open floor” discussion to “go fuck yourself” when we bring a valid problem or complaint to the drill sergeant.
They blatantly disrespect us constantly and they treat some privates better than others if they like football or basketball and will talk to the drill sergeants about it. Almost every private is fearful of retaliation even if we file a legitimate complaint. When we bring up violations of rules and regulations they tell us they don’t care but when somebody is out of regulation or policy they will give them an article 15 take away 2-4 weeks pay and be on restriction/extra duty for 45 days. Propaganda posters are strewn all over the building we live about noncommissioned officers respecting their subordinates but none of us here have ever seen an ounce of respect, help, or the first sign of being treated like a decent human being.
Letters, certified packages, and other parcels are being singed in our name and being received by others. The mail system takes only days to deliver a letter going out, but on Feb 13 soldiers were getting letters postmarked on the 12th of Dec. Packages and letters are delivered to the wrong building and they put them in a stack or throw them into a locked room and don’t actively seek out who they belong to.
Many people have been here for 6-18 months in I.E.T status for a variety of reasons. Some of us had more privileges and better treatment in AIT and basic. People coming into basic now can smoke, use smokeless tobacco and keep their cell phones.
Mass punishment is wrong and does not work over long periods of time. Many believe it only serves to demoralize. Once you have a privilege (like using the phone or leaving the barracks on the weekends for 2 hours) they take them away for no real reason. And once they have taken all of your privileges what then can they punish you with? Most people just don’t care when they take everything away. “If I am going to get punished for doing everything right just the same as the guy who got caught with cigarettes, I might as well just smoke myself. Why would I do the right thing?” Why is it that 100+ people are responsible for 1 person hiding a can of smokeless tobacco in his mattress? And if you do try to correct them nobody will listen to you, so you notify the drill sergeant and he proceeds to punish everybody including the person who was trying to help.
Some privates run around hitting people in the genitals and think it’s funny or will put their genitalia on people while they sleep. Or they will urinate or put seamen into their canteens when they are not looking or are asleep. There are many other soldiers who whiteness these acts and sit by idly. There are many other cases of sexual abuse/assault that happen among the privates here and nothing can be done. We notify the chain of command and they might yell at us because they don’t know who did it but nothing ever happens.
(Approximately Jan 28th)
I have no idea why I do not care anymore I just want to sleep all the time. The new revelation started last Friday when I was put back into FTU from PTRP (the first instance of this ever.) There is no reason that I should be treated the way that I have been for the last 50+ weeks. For the initial 9 weeks of basic training I can understand the hazing and ruthless treatment, but not for over a year. I used to be able to cope by listening to music, calling people on a hidden cell phone, or talking to my friends in the bay. But now they will no longer let me talk to my friends or listen to music on the radio, and they found the hidden cell phone and confiscated it. If I was just able to do anything to mentally get away from this place I would. Just to forget who I am and what I am doing day in and day out. An hour or two of disassociation is the only way I was able put up with the meaningless and mindless bullshit and torment of being here “on duty” 16 hours a day. The only way to describe my life is sorrow, loathing, spitefulness, depression, and endless tortuous misery. Nobody is willing to help improve our treatment or listen to our complaints. I joined the army to make a difference and to help other people. Now I am being help prisoner, doomed to a fate worse than death. At one point I know I had a purpose. At one point I know I cared. I do not know when I lost it and if I will be capable of ever possessing it ever again. I am not sure if I lost it in AIT or the beginning of June when I was attached to FTU. I know that I have lost more since Friday and even more last night. I do not know how, why or how I can recover. I do not think I have shown any of the army values for a very long time. I believe I projected the image that I cared for many months and it was just an act; but it was all that I could do. I am being set up for failure and have been for weeks. The fact that this unit will not follow regulations does not inspire hope or willingness to comply with any orders or any of their bogus policies. In my opinion none of the cadre show any of the army values to any of the soldiers here. That is just my opinion and I may not see the whole picture. On exodus I came back with renewed motivation that I have not had since basic training. Drill sergeant Frazier and Langford managed to snuff out all of my hope and drive within the first few days we were all back. I will try to do my best, but I can not manage a positive thought for very long. The army values did mean something to me at one point even though it is just propaganda on paper. I have always known it was just propaganda, but they are a good base for morals if people would lead by example. In conclusion I hope this paper reaches somebody and they read it in whole and are not too judgmental. I also hope that I can improve myself and the situation that I am in. Perhaps I can be what they want me to be. Perhaps I can fulfill my enlistment and be productive, but that is not realistic. And it is not what I really want; all I want in this world is to be anywhere but here. I believe that I have permanent physical and psychological damage from this place. If I could describe this place in 2 words it would be: “Malevolentia Imperium.”
1 Malevolentia: Latin, malevolent; having or exhibiting ill will; wishing harm to others; malicious. Having an evil or harmful influence
2 Imperium: Latin, can be translated as “power”. In Antiquity this concept could apply to people, and mean something like "power status" or "authority", or could be used with a geographical connotation and mean something like "territority".
For no good reason yesterday February 14, somebody decided to take my pillow off my bunk and wipe their ass with it and they also thought it would be a grandiose idea to piss into my canteen (the only drinking container that I have because we are not afforded cups.) I have never done anything to this individual nor have I ever talked badly about him. He just has some malicious hatred for me. This is another fine example of the quality of human beings that we are forced to live with. When I notified the cadre of this they just yelled at and punished everyone including me.
(The TR 350-6 regulation document does indeed address hazing and other forms of harassment and abuse.--Patdev)

One of the late PFC Mathew Scarano’s emails to me, followed by a draft document he was working to complete at the time of his death because he wanted to do something constructive:
Date: Mar 7, 2006 3:01 PM
Subject: Casualties of a broken system
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First off, I want to thank you for becoming our champion when no one else would. Thanks almost exclusively to you blowing the whistle when it came to the status quo in PTRP, things may indeed be changing for the better, some permanent institutional practices regarding PTRP are starting to take form. I was one of two individuals who spoke privately with the Investigator-General.
My name is Mathew Scarano, PFC. I turned 21 last month. One of your first articles about PTRP mentioned me briefly when it came to very heavily medicated individuals being sometimes unable to make it to final formation. (I still try.)
I'm also the longest-serving member of PTRP, by a margin of nearly a month. Some of the seniors among us jokingly refer to each other by our rank in terms of seniority. (3 being third-longest, 2 second-longest), etc. I am number one. As of 1 MAR I have been in PTRP for exactly one year, and Fort Sill even longer. Mind you that I mean consecutively - no leave whatsoever outside of the two-week "Christmas exodus". Perhaps that is my fault; I should have been more vocal about that. It just seems that there is rarely an opportune time, considering that sometimes the few who went on leave, either convalescent or personal leave, often either didn't come back within the period of time they were allowed or didn't come back at all and that I would be perceived as being a flight risk.
Needless to say, it has been extremely emotionally and physically taxing on me. I liken being here to being incarcerated, and it often helped during the bleaker points in PTRP history to think of it as such: I'm far from being any kind of expert on the subject, but perhaps it was a psychological self-defense mechanism to try to perceive what was going on as being punitive in nature.
When I first entered PTRP on 1 MAR 2005, there was no FTU or PCU; the Bravo Battery building was dedicated entirely to PTRP. The only other individual in PTRP who came in the following month agrees that conditions then were more tolerable for various reasons, but mainly I believe it is largely because we could at least tolerate one another. The nature of the people made it more interesting and the bold but often reckless escapades of some of the MEB-bound soldiers (housed in PTRP at that time) kept us on our toes. We had priority in the mess hall over Alpha Battery, which consists of newly-arrived in-processing soldiers, and therefore didn't have to wait in line behind hundreds of people. (I am unsure why this changed.)
I could go on about the differences between the past and present but I digress.
My injury is degenerative and getting worse.
I was lied to about surgery, as were many others, and it was brought to the attention of the Investigator-General that the medical community had been telling us that we face courts-martial or severe forms of non-judicial punishment if we declined the surgery suggested to us by the doctors here at Fort Sill. This has since been demonstrated to be a bald-faced lie.
I was told that I'd receive arthroscopic shoulder surgery initially, which had little chance of success, and when that failed I would receive a full shoulder replacement, after which my left shoulder would be essentially disabled for the rest of my life.
Just a little rudimentary research into the subject revealed that there are countless other, infinitely more promising options available to me in the civilian world, which I choose to explore, instead of being a guinea pig to a medical system I have no faith in, whatsoever. This is the same medical system which has botched surgeries and performed procedures without the patient's knowledge. I guess their rationale is that up until recently, the patients, in our case, were under the impression that we had virtually no input in the matter, anyway.
I've recently been told, by our case worker, that I'm getting an MEB but as of now my consultation is pending, I've heard no further word yet but am hopeful that as a result of the controversy caused by the attention garnered by your blog, I'll be out of here soon. I am a casualty of a broken system; I fell through the cracks of the bureaucracy that is the system which all of us must go through, as is every other one of us who have been here.
I am a living symbol of the failure of the system and after having been ignored for so long, despite trying to raise as much attention as I could, I might finally be able to get on with my adult life after spending over a third of it in PTRP, deprived of everything from being able to be with my family, to fundamental physical needs such as sleep and recuperation from my injury, to the basic human freedoms and creature comforts which I will never again take for granted.
As deep as my hatred is for the institution that is PTRP, I have learned a lot about both myself and human nature during my tenure here. It has given me time to study certain subjects, time which I lacked on the outside, and get around to literature that I'd always wanted to read. Such pursuits are my only real escape from my dismal little reality, other than my medication. (I realize how the latter sounds but sadly it is true. It is my only real deliverance from the chronic, piercing and sometimes debilitating pain in my shoulder.)
At any rate, I felt compelled to write to you because of what you have done for me, and more specifically, all of us. You managed to shock the system out of its complacency, at least to the extent where hopefully in the future conditions improve and individuals are not retained in PTRP over six months.
So, on behalf of a very grateful PTRP, thank you, very much.
P.S: I have no problem if you want to print this in your blog, nor do I care if it's done anonymously or not, especially since it wouldn't be very hard to deduce who I am.
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Date: Mar 14, 2006 3:13 PM
Subject: Something you may be interested in:
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I've been studying psychology on my own, and I'm trying to apply it to the underlying problems of PTRP. It isn't finished yet, as I am still unsatisfied with it, but I intend to show it to our commander when I am finished. I hope it is at least, in some small, minor way, a bit insightful. I've wanted to do this for a long time, and finally the time is right - also, at least when I get out of here one day, I can say that when asked what should happen to address the problems of the PTRP, I actually said something instead of being characteristically indifferent or cynical.
As of 15 MAR 05, I have been in PTRP continuously for over one year, through the equivalent of several generations of PTRP. I believe this gives me a unique position from which to examine the underlying, root problems afflicting us all, since no one else, save the couple others who have been in PTRP nearly (within a month) as long as I have, have objectively seen the evolution of PTRP and witnessed how it affects different people, and from that, the true nature of PTRP.
Being in PTRP puts one in a state of perpetual cognitive dissonance, most particularly in those who have needlessly been here for an unreasonably long amount of time, more specifically those who have been in PTRP longer than six months in contrast to the official TRADOC position (AR 350-6, section 4-4).
Cognitive dissonance is the perception of incompatibility between two cognitions, which for the purpose of cognitive dissonance theory can be defined as any element of knowledge, attitude, emotion, belief or value, as well as a goal, plan, or an interest. In brief, the theory of cognitive dissonance holds that contradicting cognitions serve as a driving force that compels the mind to acquire or invent new thoughts or beliefs, or to modify existing beliefs, so as to minimize the amount of dissonance (conflict) between cognitions. Experiments have attempted to quantify this hypothetical drive. (Leon Festinger, A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance, 1957).
This is simply because of the arising of conflicting cognitions: the underlying, fundamental need for a sense of purpose and meaning, conflicting with the conscious realization of the monotony and mundane, typically pointless nature of our daily life, the utter lack of self-determination and control of one's own fate and decisions, as well as the needlessness of the extremely long durations of the stay of a few members of PTRP, and the manner in which we are frequently treated (usually by individuals outside of our battery who typically have no valid understanding of our situation) – such as being lied to about potentially life-altering medical procedures in a patronizing and passive-aggressively demeaning manner, or being treated in a belittling manner by some of the TMC staff, for a couple examples – creates a psychological condition which fosters disassociation from reality, often profound periods of depression, escapism and self-destructive behavior, and an indifference towards authority at all levels from once motivated and disciplined individuals, all of which I have personally experienced and witnessed over the past year in PTRP without any serious reprieve.
Not to mention the element of the physical pain most of us experience. Though I have no references to substantiate this, I believe that the tremendous psychological pressures we undergo weakens our means of rationalizing our pain, which contributes to the dehumanizing experience. It is my firm belief that this could lead to long-term drug dependency when there is no other means of dealing with pain if one is not cautious.
This is all undoubtedly part of the elaborate self-defense mechanism on the part of the psyche to correct this conflict, and the nature of the adverse reactions to PTRP, ranging from the extreme and destructive to more subtle, such as social withdrawal and introversion, depend largely on the conditions present at the time (the conditions in PTRP are always changing – one could even call them cyclical), the disposition of the individual detained in PTRP, social and environmental factors, and that individual’s experiences in life thus far.
The disparity between members of PTRP is also a huge factor, and in my opinion and experience, one of the most significant. The nature of the micro-society within PTRP changes with the departure of some somewhat "senior" members, and the arrival of new ones. These individuals have ranged in age from 17 to 39 and thus their maturity level and means of dealing with the stressors and aforementioned inner conflicts associated with being in PTRP, especially for an extremely long period of time , vary as much as the individuals, leading in some cases to inevitable personality conflicts and irreconcilable differences which can only be solved by keeping the conflicting individuals separated as much as possible, and interaction on a professional level limited only to what is absolutely necessary.
Attempts to remedy these conditions from training cadre have been either successful or counter-productive depending on the circumstances and the nature of the changes, either rewarding or punitive. However, in the long run these remedies - such as increased privileges including use of electronics and limited personal time - though often successful and beneficial in the short term, and undoubtedly well-intended, are ultimately only superficial “stop-gap” measures which do not address the underlying long-term conditions creating the problems currently facing PTRP, due to the “cyclical” nature of the actual PTRP platoon, and the (until recently) unchanging nature of the ineffective, overly bureaucratic medical system, in respects to PTRP. The only long-term solution for PTRP would be an expedient passage through, and out-processing from PTRP, and a far more strict adherence to the Army regulations regulating PTRP, instead of using the “six month” regulation (AR 350-6 Sectio n 4-4, subsections 1(c) and 6(d)) as a guideline, as it was (arguably) not intended as one.
Unfortunately these conditions cannot be remedied at our "local" level, by which I mean within our battery. It will require a serious overhaul of a neglectful, malfunctioning bureaucracy which has, in the past, been indifferent to our plight (at best) or outright harmful (at worst). These changes will by no means initiate themselves and if necessary, should be forced upon the system by higher authority.
Quite recently, and for the first time in my year-long subjective experience, some changes in the system are indeed in the early phases of manifesting themselves. Whether or not they will be helpful or lasting in the long run, or whether the system will revert to its previous form when no longer under outside scrutiny, can only be determined by time and ongoing evaluation.
In conclusion, the problems of PTRP are multi-faceted: personal, psychological, and physical. The often notorious morale problems associated with PTRP, and the problems which stem from it, as well as cause it, result in a highly problematic environment which creates the conditions we see today, causing individuals to undergo a sometimes radical, permanent attitude change as the result of the extremely demoralizing inner conflicts which everyone in PTRP will eventually go through to some degree, depending on the length of stay. PTRP is not the cause of the problems which are attributed to it, but rather the victim. On a personal level these conditions will worsen, directly proportional to the amount of time spent in PTRP, with one growing progressively less motivated, and more demoralized, until a critical point is reached.
It is my opinion that it is time to stop paying lip service to these many problems and either make legitimate, calculated efforts to solve the problem in the long run, for the future generations of PTRP as well as the present, or do away with PTRP altogether.
Some of the issues brought forward by the Late PFC Scarano and Pvt Howell had already been considered at a high level by TRADOC command in August of 2005 (See the full Powerpoint version here
The excerpt of this document (below) is of note because it addresses the fact that the PTRP Commanders are supposed to be Physical Therapists (see sentence in bold below).
The cache of a series of recommendations about the PTRP made in August of 2005 by a variety of Colonels who are MDs, Phd’s etc.:
MEDCOM Findings: Injuries
* #1 injury of concern is stress fracture (4:1 Female to Male)
o No standardized rehabilitation or training programs for those diagnosed with stress fracture
o Injury rates have increased with increased rigor
* Physical Therapist “forward” works, but has pros and cons
* Physical Training Rehabilitation Program (PTRP)
o 50-65 % return to BCT
o Of those who return, similar graduation/ attrition rates
o Leadership issue - how to keep injured Soldiers motivated?
* New combat boots heavy (and perhaps an injury issue)
o Drill Sergeants prefer not wearing the new boots
* Gender differences in injury
o Ft. Jackson appears to have very high injury rate in females
o Pelvic stress fractures from road marches, increased load
MEDCOM Findings: Motivational Factors
* High motivation decreases risk of attrition
* Factors that can increase performance
o Success
o Confidence
o Group cohesion
o Sense of purpose
* Motivation to train is a psychological process
* Unpleasant experiences can serve as toxins that diminish motivation to train or continue the mission
* Challenge: can recruits be trained to effectively persevere in the face of motivational toxins? (Homesickness, Separation from Romantic Partner, Anxiety / Fear, Lack of Privacy, Lack of Sleep, Sense of Failure, Physical Discomfort, Ostracism / Rejection, Intimidation, Injury, Failure to Connect with Battle Buddy or Others, Recycling)
* Code all five (5) PTRP Co Cdr positions for Physical Therapists (Surgeon -- done)
(If done, then why is there not a Physical Therapist command position in Fort Sill’s PTRP?-Patdev)
* Foster and encourage a credible TRADOC-MEDCOM Partnership
o Support Soldiers to Success
o ID of correctable conditions that can be treated (with treatment and rehab supported by TRADOC)
o Open communication between Docs and Cdrs
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